Welcome to the Genealogy Site of the Relatives of Upadhyaya, Travadi and Trivedi family. Here you may explore our eight distinct descendent charts and look at how they are interconnected.

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Gone But Not Forgotten.
Birth and Death Anniversaries for Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
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Name Birth Date Death Date Age
at Death
since Birth
since Death
16 Aug 1931 26 Jul 2021 89 92 3
4 Dec 1943 26 Jul 2018 74 80 6
I am tracking Descendents of 8 individuals.
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Rambhaben Vireshwar Vyas

Earliest known Ancestor of

Rambhaben Vireshwar Vyas
Vireshvar Vyas

Dulerai Tribhovan Pandya

Earliest known Ancestor of

Dulerai Tribhovan Pandya
Trikamji Pandya

Karsanji Dahyabhai Travadi

Earliest known Ancestor (12th generation) of

Karsanji Dahyabhai Travadi
Vithalji Travadi

Dhankunver Shivshanker Travadi

Earliest known Ancestor of

Dhankunver Shivshanker Trivedi
Ajramer Trivedi

Shantagauri Bhikhabhai Naik

Earliest known Ancestor of

Shantagauri Bhikhabhai Naik
Lallubhai Naik

Privacy and Data integrity In order to keep your data private, we have created a closed community that requires approval to access genealogical data of living individuals. All changes and additions are manually curated by the site founder and moderator, Mahesh Upadhyaya.
K D Travadi K.D. Travadi – A Radical Visionary: KD Travadi’s voice, loud and clear, thundered across the Kenya Legislative Council chamber as he debated the White Paper on the Civil Service with Tom Mboya, on 16 December 1960. More
No Blacks It Was Standard To See Signs Saying, ‘No Blacks, No Dogs, No Irish: In 1968 Mahesh Upadhyaya became the first person in the UK to bring a racial discrimination case to court using the recently introduced Race Relations Act 1968. More
Dharma Dedicated to the memory of the late Mansukhbhai J. Upadhyaya: The subject we are about to discuss, Dharma, is unique in the history of man. Our approach will be historical, Dharma being the oldest word used to describe such concepts as religion, discipline, duty, way of life, service, charity, as well as divine and moral values. More
No Blacks A Classmate of Mahatma Gandhi: First Minister of Gondal pricipality, Pranshanker Joshi, studied together.Read article in Gujarati, here
Ancestry Chart
of Girishchandra R Upadhyaya
Girishchandra R Upadhyaya

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with sincere thanks to Bahul and Mayur.
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