Welcome to the Genealogy Site of the Relatives of Upadhyaya, Travadi and Trivedi family. Here you may explore our eight distinct descendent charts and look at how they are interconnected.
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The idea behind this Family Tree project is to explore our mutual relatives, to share our family histories, achievements and memories. My name is Mahesh Upadhyaya and I am the administrator of this site.
You will be able to see some genealogy data but all details of living individuals will be blocked.
Do login to see all data and photos.
If you think you are part of our genealogy project, please do Register
or Contact Me for more details
Privacy and Data integrity In order to keep your data private, we have created a closed community that requires approval to access genealogical data of living individuals. All changes and additions are manually curated by the site founder and moderator, Mahesh Upadhyaya.